Results for 'Antoine Augustine Cournot'

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  1.  49
    An essay on the foundations of our knowledge.Antoine Augustin Cournot - 1956 - New York,: Liberal Arts Press.
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    De l'origine et des limites de la correspondance entre l'algébre et la géométrie.Antoine Augustin Cournot - 1847 - Paris: J. Vrin. Edited by Jean Claude Pariente.
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    Exposition de la théorie des chances et des probabilités.Antoine Augustin Cournot - 1984 - Paris: J. Vrin. Edited by Bernard Bru.
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    Matérialisme, vitalisme, rationalisme.Antoine-Augustin Cournot - 1923 - Paris,: Hachette.
  5.  20
    Œuvres complètes.Antoine Augustin Cournot - 1973 - Paris: J. Vrin. Edited by Jean Claude Pariente.
    t. 1. Exposition de la théorie des chances et des probabilités / édité par Bernard Bru -- t. 2. Essai sur les fondements de nos connaissances et sur les caractères de la critique philosophique / édité par J.C. Pariente -- t. 3. Traité de l'enchaînement des idées fondamentales dans les sciences et dans l'histoire / édité par Nelly Bruyère -- t. 4. Considérations sur la marche des idées et des événements dans les temps modernes / édité par André Robinet -- (...)
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    Matérialisme, vitalisme, rationalisme.Antoine Augustin Cournot - 1875 - [Roma]: Bizzarri.
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  7. Traité de l'enchaînement des idées fondamentales dans les sciences et dans l'histoire.Antoine Augustin Cournot - 1968 - Roma,: Bizzarri.
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    Antoine-Augustin cournot.Henry L. Moore - 1905 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 13 (3):521 - 543.
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    An outline of the philosophy of Antoine-Augustin Cournot.Simon William Floss - 1941 - Philadelphia,: Philadelphia.
  10.  22
    Économie politique et économie naturelle chez Antoine-Augustin Cournot. François Vatin.Bruce Larson - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):184-184.
  11.  20
    An Outline of the Philosophy of Antoine-Augustin Cournot[REVIEW]B. G. - 1942 - Journal of Philosophy 39 (1):25-25.
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    (1 other version)An Outline of the Philosophy of Antoine-Augustin Cournot[REVIEW]G. B. & S. W. Floss - 1942 - Journal of Philosophy 39 (1):25.
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    Cournot’s Notion of Hasard: An Objective Conception of Chance.Alessandra Melas - 2017 - Axiomathes 27 (6):685-697.
    According to Antoine Augustine Cournot, chance events are the result of the intersection between independent causal chains. This coincidental notion of chance is not a new one, but—as Cournot remarks—it comes from Saint Thomas Aquinas, Boethius, and more probably from Jean de La Placette. Such a conception of chance phenomena seems to be very important, not only because it is closely related to the Principle of Causality, but also since it grounds Cournot’s theory of objective (...)
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    What are Coincidences? A Philosophical Guide Between Science and Common Sense.Alessandra Melas & Pietro Salis - 2023 - Wilmington: Vernon Press. Edited by Pietro Salis.
    It is a common opinion that chance events cannot be understood in causal terms. Conversely, according to a causal view of chance, intersections between independent causal chains originate accidental events, called “coincidences”. Firstly, this book explores this causal conception of chance and tries to shed new light on it. Such a view has been defended by authors like Antoine Augustine Cournot and Jacques Monod. Second, a relevant alternative is provided by those accounts that, instead of acknowledging an (...)
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  15. On the Nature of Coincidental Events.Alessandra Melas & Pietro Salis - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (1):143-68.
    It is a common opinion that chance events cannot be understood in causal terms. Conversely, according to a causal view of chance, intersections between independent causal chains originate accidental events, called “coincidences.” The present paper takes into proper consideration this causal conception of chance and tries to shed new light on it. More precisely, starting from Hart and Honoré’s view of coincidental events, this paper furnishes a more detailed account on the nature of coincidences, according to which coincidental events are (...)
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    Saint Augustin et la Conversion.Antoine Reymond - 1982 - Augustinian Studies 13:97-109.
  17.  51
    Deux questions inédites de Jacques de Viterbe sur les habitus.Antoine Côté - 2013 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 79 (1):289-311.
    On trouvera ici la présentation et l’édition de deux brèves questions de l’Ermite de saint Augustin, Jacques de Viterbe. Dans la première question, Jacques s’attache à montrer en quel sens il est légitime de dire que les habitus moraux sont innés. Dans la seconde question, il défend la thèse que les habitus des principes moraux appartiennent de façon plus intime à l’âme que les habitus intellectuels. Comme le Viterbien oppose sa position à celle de Thomas d’Aquin, on tente dans la (...)
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    Autos, idipsum. Aspects de l’identité d’Homère à Augustin, written by Doucet, D. ; Koch, I.Marc-Antoine Gavray - 2015 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 9 (2):235-237.
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    Cournot, économie et philosophie.Marc Deschamps & Thierry Martin (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: Éditions matériologiques.
    Augustin Cournot (1801-1877) a marqué l'histoire de la pensée économique en introduisant la modélisation des phénomènes économiques, et non leur seule quantification. Ce constat appelle une double question : 1° Comment la rupture opérée par Cournot s'inscrit-elle dans l'histoire et l'évolution des méthodes de l'économie? La question se pose d'autant plus que les Recherches sur les principes mathématiques de la théorie des richesses passèrent d'abord presque inaperçues. 2° Que reste-t-il aujourd'hui de ce tournant effectué par le «philosophe-géomètre»? Autrement (...)
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    Cournot's Trade Theory and its Neoclassical Appropriation: Lessons to be Learnt about the Use and Abuse of Models.Eithne Murphy - 2017 - Economic Thought 6 (2):1.
    This paper seeks to rehabilitate the trade theory of Augustin Cournot. In contrast to the widespread awareness among neoclassical economists of Cournot's contribution to microeconomics, there is general ignorance of his trade theory, which an earlier generation of neoclassical theorists attributed to its erroneous conclusions. I dispute this view and attempt to show the internal consistency of Cournot's trade analysis. While the assumptions underpinning his trade theory could be considered extreme, they need to be understood in the (...)
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  21. Le paradoxe du progrès : Cournot, Stent et Ruyer.Philippe Gagnon - 2014 - In Michel Weber Vincent Berne (ed.), Chromatikon X : Annales de la philosophie en procès – Yearbook of Philosophy in Process. pp. 71-90.
    This text reconsiders the philosophizing into the future of mankind and futurology done by molecular biologist Gunther Stent in *The Coming of the Golden Age* in the light of Raymond Ruyer's critical notice published in the aftermath of the publication of Stent's book in French translation. For Ruyer, it is an occasion to revisit his own take on what he called in his last work a "theology of the opposition between the organic and the rational," and to restate in a (...)
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  22.  15
    Deux cartésiens: la polémique entre Antoine Arnauld et Nicolas Malebranche.Denis Moreau - 1999 - Paris: Vrin.
    De 1683 a 1694, Antoine Arnauld et Nicolas Malebranche, anciens amis et pretres que leur interet pour Descartes, leur reverence pour Augustin et leur commune inquietude face au libertinage semblaient pourtant destiner a s'entendre, polemiquerent violemment. En insistant sur l'aspect philosophique de ces debats, cet ouvrage propose la premiere interpretation d'ensemble de cette celebre confrontation. Y a-t-il de serieuses raisons philosophiques au desaccord entre Arnauld et Malebranche? Leur determination permet-elle d'eclairer certains aspects du malebranchisme? Existe-t-il une philosophie d'Antoine (...)
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    The Portuguese Naturalist Correia da Serra (1751-1823) and His Impact on Early Nineteenth-Century Botany.Maria Paula Diogo, Ana Carneiro & Ana Simões - 2001 - Journal of the History of Biology 34 (2):353 - 393.
    This paper focuses on the contributions to natural history, particularly in methods of plant classification of the Portuguese botanist, man of letters, diplomat, and Freemason Abbé José Correia da Serra (1751-1823), placing them in their national and international political and social contexts. Correia da Serra adopted the natural method of classification championed by the Frenchman Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu, and introduced refinements of his own that owe much to parallel developments in zoology. He endorsed the view that the classification of (...)
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    What Has Cartesianism To Do with Jansenism?Tad M. Schmaltz - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (1):37-56.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:What Has Cartesianism To Do with Jansenism?Tad M. SchmaltzMy title is modeled on the famous query of the third-century theologian, Tertullian: “What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?” Tertullian’s question asks what pagan Greek learning has to do with the theology of the early Church. By comparison my question asks what philosophical Cartesianism has to do with theological Jansenism, and more specifically what these movements had to do with (...)
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  25. Malebranche on Mind.Julie Walsh - 2018 - In Rebecca Copenhaver & C. Shields (eds.), The History of the Philosophy of Mind, 6 Volumes. pp. Chapter 5, Volume 4.
    This chapter analyses Malebranche’s theory that the human, finite mind participates in two separate and, at least prima facie, incompatible unions: one with the body to which it is joined and one with God. By looking at the way that Malebranche borrows from both the mechanical philosophy as articulated by Descartes and Augustine’s dictum that we are not “lights unto” ourselves, the unique, difficult, and at times problematic Malebranchean philosophy of mind is revealed. This discussion is divided into two (...)
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    Arnauld, Les idées et Les vérités éternelLes.Denis Moreau - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
    Deux des derniers textes philosophiques d'Antoine Arnauld (Dissertatio bipartita…, 1692; Règles du bon sens…, 1693) sont dirigés contre les défenseurs de la « vision en Dieu » des idées ou vérités éternelles. En commentant les textes de Thomas d'Aquin consacrés à la notion de vérité, Arnauld critique Platon, saint Augustin et Jansénius, puis semble adopter une position proche de Descartes sur le statut des vérités éternelles. D'autres textes confirment qu'Arnauld est sans doute le seul des grands post-cartésiens à avoir (...)
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  27. Ubuntu: an ethic for a new South Africa.Augustine Shutte - 2001 - Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications.
    This is a sequel to Augustine Shutte's previous book Philosophy for Africa. In that book he engages with some concepts central to traditional African thinking about human nature and society. In this book he offers a new interpretation of the chief ethical idea in African thought, Ubuntu. He argues that it complements the central European ethical notion of individual freedom, and shows how the two ideas can be combined to form an ethic based on a richer understanding of our (...)
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    Botanical Authority: Benjamin Delessert’s Collections between Travelers and Candolle’s Natural Method (1803–1847).Thierry Hoquet - 2014 - Isis 105 (3):508-539.
    ABSTRACT During the first half of the nineteenth century, while Georges Cuvier ruled over natural history and the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle (MHN) was at its institutional acme, a French banker and industrialist with a Swiss family background, Benjamin Delessert, was developing an important botanical museum in Paris. His private collection included both a rich botanical library and a massive herbarium: the close integration of these two dimensions, together with the magnanimity of Delessert’s patronage, contributed to making this private institution a (...)
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    Stoicism in Descartes, Pascal, and Spinoza: Examining Neostoicism’s Influence in the Seventeenth Century.Daniel Collette - unknown
    My dissertation focuses on the moral philosophy of Descartes, Pascal, and Spinoza in the context of the revival of Stoicism within the seventeenth century. There are many misinterpretations about early modern ethical theories due to a lack of proper awareness of Stoicism in the early modern period. My project rectifies this by highlighting understated Stoic themes in these early modern texts that offer new clarity to their morality. Although these three philosophers hold very different metaphysical commitments, each embraces a different (...)
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    Interpreting Arnauld (review).Lisa Jeanne Downing - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (2):367-368.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Interpreting Arnauld ed. by Elmar J. KremerLisa DowningElmar J. Kremer, editor. Interpreting Arnauld. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. Pp. xi + 183. Cloth, $65.00.This attractive volume represents (with one exception) the proceedings of what was evidently a lively colloquium on Arnauld’s philosophy, held at the University of Toronto in 1994 to commemorate the three-hundredth anniversary of his death. Although Antoine Arnauld has been best known to (...)
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    Aurelius Augustinus/De magistrontar: Einführung Übersetzung und Kommentar.Erwin Schadel & Augustine - 1975 - Schadel.
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    Introduction to French spiritualism in the nineteenth century.Mark Sinclair & Delphine Antoine-Mahut - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (5):857-865.
    With respect to the several giants of post-Kantian German philosophy – Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche – developments elsewhere in Europe have often seemed to pale into insignific...
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    Socratic Ignorance and Platonic Knowledge in the Dialogues of Plato, written by Sara Ahbel-Rappe.Marc-Antoine Gavray - 2022 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 16 (1):76-78.
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    Discourse on Metaphysics, Correspondence with Arnauld, and Monadology.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Antoine Arnauld, Paul Janet & George R. Montgomery - 2014 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Duration and Becoming in Bergson’s Metaphysics.Paul-Antoine Miquel - 2021 - In Alessandra Campo & Simone Gozzano (eds.), Einstein Vs. Bergson: An Enduring Quarrel on Time. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 83-98.
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  36. Le neoromantisme en Allemagne.Ernest Antoine A. L. Seilliere - 1928 - Paris,:
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  37. Distant Dinosaurs and the Aesthetics of Remote Art.Michel-Antoine Xhignesse - 2024 - British Journal of Aesthetics 64 (3):361-380.
    Francis Sparshott introduced the term ‘remote art’ in his 1982 presidential address to the American Society for Aesthetics. The concept has not drawn much notice since—although individual remote arts, such as palaeolithic art and the artistic practices of subaltern cultures, have enjoyed their fair share of attention from aestheticians. This paper explores what unites some artistic practices under the banner of remote art, arguing that remoteness is primarily a matter of some audience’s epistemic distance from a work’s context of creation. (...)
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  38.  27
    Against the Academicians and the Teacher.Saint Augustine & Peter King - 1995 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    These new translations of two treatises dealing with the possibility and nature of knowledge in the face of skeptical challenges are the first to be rendered from the Latin critical edition, the first to be made specifically with a philosophical audience in mind, and the first to be translated by a scholar with expertise in both modern epistemology and philosophy of language.
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    De Doctrina Christiana.St Augustine - 1995 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The De Doctrina Christiana is one of Augustine's most important works on the classical tradition. Undertaken at the same time as the Confessions, is sheds light on the development of Augustine's thought, especially in the areas of ethics, hermeneutics, and sign-theory. What is most interesting, however, is its careful attempt to indicate precisely what elements of a classical education are valuable for a Christian, and how the precepts of Ciceronian rhetoric may be used to communicate Christian truth. An (...)
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  40. The 100 most influential philosophers of all time.Brian Duignan (ed.) - 2010 - New York, NY: Britannica Educational Pub. in association with Rosen Educational Services.
    Pythagoras -- Confucius -- Heracleitus -- Parmenides -- Zeno of Elea -- Socrates -- Democritus -- Plato -- Aristotle -- Mencius -- Zhuangzi -- Pyrrhon of Elis -- Epicurus -- Zeno of Citium -- Philo Judaeus -- Marcus Aurelius -- Nagarjuna -- Plotinus -- Sextus Empiricus -- Saint Augustine -- Hypatia -- Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius -- Śaṅkara -- Yaqūb ibn Ishāq aṣ-Ṣabāḥ al-Kindī -- Al-Fārābī -- Avicenna -- Rāmānuja -- Ibn Gabirol -- Saint Anselm of Canterbury -- al-Ghazālī (...)
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  41. The Myth of an Afterlife: The Case against Life After Death.Keith Augustine & Michael Martin (eds.) - 2015 - Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Because every single one of us will die, most of us would like to know what—if anything—awaits us afterward, not to mention the fate of lost loved ones. Given the nearly universal vested interest we personally have in deciding this question in favor of an afterlife, it is no surprise that the vast majority of books on the topic affirm the reality of life after death without a backward glance. But the evidence of our senses and the ever-gaining strength of (...)
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  42. Interpretable and accurate prediction models for metagenomics data.Edi Prifti, Antoine Danchin, Jean-Daniel Zucker & Eugeni Belda - 2020 - Gigascience 9 (3):giaa010.
    Background: Microbiome biomarker discovery for patient diagnosis, prognosis, and risk evaluation is attracting broad interest. Selected groups of microbial features provide signatures that characterize host disease states such as cancer or cardio-metabolic diseases. Yet, the current predictive models stemming from machine learning still behave as black boxes and seldom generalize well. Their interpretation is challenging for physicians and biologists, which makes them difficult to trust and use routinely in the physician-patient decision-making process. Novel methods that provide interpretability and biological insight (...)
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  43.  6
    Being and Knowing: Studies in Thomas Aquinas and Later Medieval Philosophers.Armand Augustine Maurer - 1990 - PIMS.
  44.  15
    Comment tirer le meilleur parti de la double casquette « chercheur » et « formateur » dans le cadre de l’évolution d’un dispositif de formation d’enseignants?Marie Bocquillon, Antoine Derobertmasure & Marc Demeuse - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (1):8-23.
    This paper presents the evaluation and the regulation of an initial teacher training programme which has been investigated from a scientifical point of view. The different researches realized have conduct the trainers to adapt the teacher training programme. These adaptations concern conceptual, pedagogical and methodological aspects. The assessment of the effects of these adaptations over a period of about ten years illustrate the approach that combines research and training and the richness of the double role of the researchers who are (...)
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    La Regola di S. Agostino.Luc Verheijen, Bernadette Caravaggi & Augustine - 1989
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    Stuck with virtue: the American individual and our biotechnological future.Peter Augustine Lawler - 2005 - Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books.
    Cloning, gene therapy, stem-cell harvesting—are we on the path to a Huxley-like Brave New World? Not really, argues political philosopher and Kass Commission member Peter Augustine Lawler in Stuck with Virtue: The American Individual and Our Biotechnological Future, even as he admits that we will likely become more obsessive and anxious and will be subjected to new forms of tyranny. Rather, he contends, human nature is such that the biotechnological world to come, despite the best efforts of its proponents, (...)
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    Social Theories of the Middle Ages.Sister Francis Augustine Richey - 1943 - New Scholasticism 17 (4):390-391.
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    An Introductory Study of Error and Fallacies.Francis Augustine Walsh - 1927 - New Scholasticism 1 (4):333-342.
  49. Fitting-Attitude Analyses and the Relation Between Final and Intrinsic Value.Antoine C. Dussault - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (2):166-189.
    This paper examines the debate as to whether something can have final value in virtue of its relational (i.e., non-intrinsic) properties, or, more briefly put, whether final value must be intrinsic. The paper adopts the perspective of the fitting-attitude analysis (FA analysis) of value, and argues that from this perspective, there is no ground for the requirement that things may have final value only in virtue of their intrinsic properties, but that there might be some grounds for the alternate requirement (...)
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    (1 other version)...Esquisse d'un tableau historique des progrès de l'esprit humain.Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet, P. Daunou & Marie-Louise-Sophie de Grouchy Condorcet - 1933 - Paris,: Boivin et cie. Edited by Oliver H. Prior.
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